Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding SCHEDULE A VIRTUAL SHOP VISIT As you begin the most beautiful adventure which is maternity, you have 9 months to prepare and take care of your physical, mental and emotional health, as it will be crucial for the quality of your milk and...
Take care of your breasts during workout!

Take care of your breasts during workout!

Take care of your breasts during workout! SCHEDULE A VIRTUAL SHOP VISIT Physical activity is a way to not only a beautiful shape, it is a way of life. A daily dose of exercise not only protects us from the so-called civilisation diseases, but also ensures our...
Mothers and daughters

Mothers and daughters

Mothers and daughters SCHEDULE A VIRTUAL SHOP VISIT Over the last 20 years, the process of puberty among young girls has shifted considerably. In extreme cases, it even starts at the age of 8. It is important not to be guided by the principle “You are still too...